
Mr. Miles {Utah Child Photographer}

This is little Mi Mi. He just turned 2. He is the son of one of my close friends and we were due with our boys around the same time. She swears he's trouble (and I only believe it because I have one of my own). But isn't that why they are so cute? So you don't kill them? Pretty sure that's the reason.

He did not like any of my suggestions but he sure loves his Mama and that was the only reason I got any smiles out of this kid! Still, I like all the other faces. Sometimes parents stress about their kids not being perfect during photo shoots, but my friend and I agree, when your child grows up, you want to remember what they were like. And I don't know any kid who is all smiles! ;)

He's so cute, E. Love him. These are just a few of my favorites.

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